
tips from academic writers

The Structure Of An Argumentative Essay – Basic Guidelines

A good essay must always have a unique structure. This is something that most students do not know about. In particular when you are writing an argumentative paper, there is nothing more important for you to do than to get the structure correct. More often than not a lot of students assume that once they have the information necessary to write this paper, they will be good to go. When you come to think about it, this is far from the truth. Try and check out this company and you will be able to see what we mean.

The following are some important points that you need to take into consideration when you are drawing up the structure of your paper:

  • The title
  • Introduction
  • The body
  • Conclusion
  • Citing sources

The title

The teacher will certainly look towards your argumentative essay title to determine whether it is worth their time. If you fail this simple test, chances are high that you will end up losing lots of marks in the process. You therefore need to make sure that you choose your title carefully.


How you introduce your paper is important, very important. This is a part of the essay writing process that you should never take for granted. A good introduction places your paper high up among the best to be written so far, and this will also have the effect of swaying the bias of your teacher towards your work.

The body

There is so much that goes into the body of this paper. You should try and make sure that when you are writing the body of your paper, you think about the literature that you want to use, think about how you will analyze the information that you have gathered and so forth. Once you can do this, everything else should be much easier.


Having put in a lot of effort in writing the paper, a good conclusion would be fitting. Do not ignore this. The conclusion puts a fitting end to some good work, so make sure you put a lot of emphasis on it.

Citing sources

The sources that you use in your paper must be mentioned and addressed accordingly. This is important so that you give the teacher some reference point just in case they want to ascertain whether the information that you used is relevant.